All creatures great and small, I treat them all! They, like us, can suffer from a whole spectrum of allergic conditions. The allergic response may not be obvious, quite often it is hidden, manifesting itself as a generalised medical condition, such as dermatitis. The connection is often not made between the condition (the symptom) and the allergic cause.
Conditions I have had success in treating, are animals that have suffered from:-
- Reactions to shampoo and topical lotions
- Dermatitis and eczema
- Urinary tract problems
- Dietary malfunction and malabsorption
- Viral infections
- Reactions to medications e.g flea drops
- Compromised immune systems during serious illness e.g a dog with severe mange
- Reactions to prescribed medication e.g antibiotics
- Fungal infections e.g Candida
- Intolerance to specific animal food
- Fatigue
- Joint and mobility problems
- Lumps and bumps e.g cancerous growths
The principle of treatment is exactly the same as in humans, but the technique is adapted to usually use the owner as the surrogate to their animal.
Once our animal friends have experienced their first treatment and felt the benefits, they are usually very willing patients and happy to return for more treatment, to get their bounce back!